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It is the mission of the FBA to promote the uniquely American tradition of barbecuing meat over natural wood or charcoal-fired heat and smoke through education, family-friendly fellowship, and competition.

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View the FBA Support Our Sponsors  page or click the logo to visit the Sponsor's website.


The FBA’s corps of very capable representatives preside over all FBA-sanctioned contests.  They are charged with the responsibility of ensuring the contest is conducted in accordance with the Official FBA Contest Rules.  They setup the venue for judging, enter the scores, and see to it that all FBA rules are followed and oversee the entire judging process.  As well, they have the final say on all onsite interpretations of the rules as they relate to products turned in by contestants and the fair judging of those products.

Qualifications to be a FBA representative are:

    • Must be a FBA member in good standing.
    • Must be a FBA Master Judge
    • Must speak and read English.
    • Must be able to lift 30 lbs. and be physically capable of stepping into and out of team trailers safely.
    • Must have nominal computer skills and have a personal e-mail account.
    • Must have an agreeable demeanor.
      • Must be recommended by a sitting Rep to the FBA Board of Directors.
      • Waivers of qualifications must be approved by a majority of the FBA Board of Directors.
      • Must train under the supervision of a Lead Rep for a minimum of 5 sanctioned contest events.
      • Must complete Rep training within 1 calendar year and receive final FBA Board of Director approval.



      Charles Golden

      Ed Shemanski

      Joe Theodoredis

      Jim Dehne Jim Douglas

      Bryan Durta Lori Frazee

      Tim Hughes Angela Iversen

      Bill Tanner Roy Griffin

      Support our Preferred Vendors and Sponsors

      Click the logo to visit our FBA partner


      Florida BBQ Association

      8955 US Hwy 301 N, PMB 158

      Parrish, Florida 34219

      Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software